Celebrate Recovery.

Monday Evenings

Dinner - 5:30 pm : Café

Large Group - 6:30 pm

Henderson Hills Baptist Church

The Activities Center

Open Share - 7:30 pm

Open Share Groups

Problem Solution Sheets

Here at Celebrate Recovery we strongly believe that this ministry can benefit any and all. The truth is that we are all hurting. There is no such thing as a “perfect” church. We can so easily fall into the trap of wearing a mask to hide from everyone. We desperately and so diligently try to keep anyone from seeing the hurting person inside of us. CR provides a safe place for us to take that mask off and begin coming out of denial, turn our life and will over to Christ’s power, begin identifying hurts, turn over our character defects, replace them with truth and positives in our lives and ultimately give back from what we have been given.